Journal articles
- Switzer, S., Vela Alarcón. A., Burkholder, C. & Gaztambide-Fernández, R. (forthcoming). Online and Remote Community-Engaged Facilitation: Pedagogical and ethical considerations and commitments. Journal of Participatory Research Methods.
Book chapters
- Vela Alarcón, A. & Springgay, S. (2020). The ethics and politics of care: Relationality, responsibility, and hope in curriculum and pedagogy. In Bozalek,V., Zembylas, M. & Tronto, J. (Eds.), Posthuman and Political Care Ethics for Reconfiguring Higher Education Pedagogies (pp. 137-152). Routledge.
Curriculum and activity guides
- Vela Alarcón, A. Koch, E. & Poindexter, O. (2023). The small-scale fisheries guidelines curriculum. FAO.
- Vela Alarcón, A. (2020). Instant Class Kit [workshop guides]. The Pedagogical Impulse. Canada.
Editorial work
- Guest editor of the special issue, “Reckoning, Repairing, Reworlding.” Studies in Social Justice, forthcoming.